Frequently Asked Questions CovPass

1. What is the CovPass Cyprus;

The CovPass Cyprus is an application for smart devices (mobile phones, tablets) used to electronically store the EU Digital COVID Certificate for easy finding and use.

2. How can I download the application?

The CovPass Cyprus is currently available for iOS devices, and for Android devices.

  • For Android devices you can download it from Play Store, or using the application on your mobile phone. The application is available for Android 8.1+.
  • For iOS devices, you can download it from the App Store by clicking here: or through the App store downloaded on your mobile phone. The application is available for iOS 12.1+.

3. What is the CovPass Cyprus for?

The CovPass Cyprus application allows users to electronically store the EU Digital COVID Certificate on their mobile phone or any other smart device. By scanning the QR code you can store your certificate in the CovPass Cyprus application and access it at any time.

4. How do I store the certificate on the CovPass Cyprus application?

Please note that you must have a security code on the device so as to store your certificate.

Please note that you must be connected to the internet to scan and store your certificate.

Once you have issued your certificate from the portal, take the following steps to store your certificate on the CovPass Cyprus application:

Scan the QR code on your certificate (either from the device screen, or from the electronically saved certificate, or from the printed certificate) and press “Save”. Then, insert the unique TAN code found under the QR code and your certificate has been successfully stored in the CovPass Cyprus application.

Please make sure that the details stated on your certificate are correct.

It is noted that the above procedure applies in case you have issued your certificate using a computer or another smart device. If you have issued your certificate using the same smart device where the CovPass Cyprus application is installed, you must print the certificate or send it to another device in order to be able to use the CovPass Cyprus application to store it on your mobile.

In Android devices, you are able to recover and store your certificate on the CovPass Cyprus application from the same device of through the portal.

5. Invalid TAN code;

When saving your certificate, you could experience the following 3 errors:

  • Network Error: You will not be able to save your certificate if you are not connected to the network. To proceed please make sure you are connected to the network.
  • TAN code error (wrong code): Make sure the code you enter in the CovPass Cyprus app is the same as the one shown on your certificate. If the TAN code is the same, please refer to point 3 below.
  • TAN code error (duplicate): If you already have your certificate stored on a smart device you will not be able to reinsert the same TAN code. In this case, please follow again the process by visiting the EUDCC portal to issue a new certificate that will contain a newly generated TAN code and try again.

6. What if the certificate has no TAN code?

Certificates issued before the July 10th, do not contain a ΤΑΝ code. In such case please reissue your certificate through the portal.

7. Can I also store my certificate in other devices?

There is no limit to the number of devices you can store your certificate to, provided that you issue your certificate with a different TAN code for each device. To issue again the certificate you must visit the portal and follow the necessary steps to generate a new TAN code. Or, if the certificate which has been already saved in your device, the QR code can be scanned by another device and submit the TAN code. For iOS devices select «tap to reveal» the TAN code.

8. Can I store the certificates of other members of my family on the CovPass Cyprus application?

Yes, you can store multiple certificates by following the procedure described in question 4.

9. Can I store the certificates issued from another European country on the CovPass Cyprus application?

No, you cannot store certificates issued from another European country. You can only store certificates issued by the Republic of Cyprus through the platform of the Ministry of Health.

10. What is the procedure for issuing the EU Digital COVID Certificate?

The User Guide explaining in detail the procedure for issuing the EU Digital COVID Certificate is available on the platform

11. What is the EU Digital COVID Certificate for?

The EU Digital COVID Certificate aims at facilitating the safe and free movement of citizens across the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a digital proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 or received a negative test result or recovered from COVID-19. The unique QR code enables direct verification preventing the use of false certificates all over Europe.

For more information before travelling, you may consult the Re-open EU website or application ( or the national authorities of the country of your destination.

12. Where can I apply for assistance in case of a problem?

For assistance, you can contact the COVID-19 Call Centre at:

  • 1474 for local phone numbers;
  • +35722285757 for foreign phone numbers or calls from abroad
or by email at

13. If my personal data are incorrect, how can I proceed and issue my certificate?

To correct your details, you can call 1474 and or by booking an appointment to visit the Citizens Service Centres (KEP/KE.PO).